There's an interplay of yin and yang occuring in every sexual encounter between the receptive and assertive partners, where the two lock as a negative space filled by a positive presence. It's at this fundamental concept that we see the two roles in sex, that of the present body and the mediating middle. In heterosexual dynamics, this is the man and woman respectively, with the former's positivity flowing through and upon the latter. The male drive builds up yang in order to be taken-in by the female drive, which builds up yin. For the two, sex is extremely different - imagine the typical scene, where the man almost disappears. In fantasy this occurs time and again, as fantasy will always foreclose the male from personhood, turning him into the abstraction of his phallus - of his yang. The woman meanwhile is centered as a crossroads, as a switchboard operator controlling the flow of yang through her yin.

It's through this dynamic that taoist sexual health advice for men is all about cultivation and preservation - build up energy, convert, retain it, as opposed to simply letting it spill out. The man's role is then to cultivate yin while accumulating his own yang - using her body as a staging ground within which to build up energy which he keeps internally. In another text, this is take up in reverse, where the white tigress, the woman, deliberately seeks to entrap lower men who let their lifeforce spill out without control, and drinks it as a vampire feasts on blood, to cultivate yang.

This stimulation of the sexual organ, a yang-cultivating action, is what occurs when either gender masturbates. Even for a woman, her vagina turns into a phallus, an abstracted entity at the end of all her energetic production.

The problem however arises - how does one convert this energy into a more productive form? The woman in the typical male-oriented advice provides the yin-space for the generated energy to circulate, the man's manipulation of her being the reingestion of his produced energy. This however is not possible in masturbation without the construction of another action atop it.

In the fetish communities surrounding masturbation, there's a focus on self-destructively spilling yang. Yang is cultivated so that it may be offered up, spilled out, given to a higher power. We can however take their basic techniques of cultivation and apply it to higher ends by creating a genuine yin-action with which to digest and rotate energies - this is where lifting comes in.

Lifting is a fundamentally yin-action. It's the ritualized destruction of bodily energies. The lifter begins by cultivating energy for the purpose of being burned, then destroying that energy in the gym, burning the excess of positive energy to turn it into a more dense, powerful form of material - like the burning of wood into charcoal. In the same fashion, lifting can be combined with not only excess food, but also cultivation of libidinal energies.

For specific action here, I recommend creating a structure towards physical ecstasy. The room should be completely dark, with lights being things such as candles or liquid light projection. The practitioner should make a structure out of the workout, combining the two activities in quick oscillation - five minutes of edging, twenty reps, another five minutes, as an example.

In addition to this mechanical action, there's certain things which can be added to increase or intensify the mechanical energy. Pre-workouts are well known among lifters for providing fast energy that allows one to push beyond their usual menta limits, but other substances can fulfill similar roles - honey for quick energy, marijuana or psilocybin for greater intensity of action on the spirit, and etc, etc. The ultimate point of all of this is to intensify the oscillation between yang production (masturbation) and yang destruction (lifting), as a single engine of energy creation and digestion. To do this will increase powers, spiritual and physical, and allow for benefits far beyond what can normally be found in the gym.